
Traditional Publishing Model

Osmond Marketing follows a traditional publishing model revamped for the digital world. Services include comprehensive copy editing, publishing coaching, author consultation, premium interior and cover design, proofreading, ISBN assignment and barcode services, and national distribution to bookstores. Examples of this model include Stages, by Jay Osmond; Full Bloom: Cultivating Success, an official fundraiser for Distinguished Young Women; The Togi Tree, by Bethlene Williams; and Real World 101, by Autumn McAlpin. Authors receive an unparalleled 50% book royalty rate.


E-books are becoming more and more popular. To compete in the changing industry, Osmond Marketing publishes books in both paperback and digital formats. Ebooks receive the same careful editing and production, including publishing coaching, author consultation, premium interior and cover design, proofreading, and ISBN assignment and barcode services. Examples include Jay Osmond’s Stages, Kindle Edition; and Jimmy Adam’s Waffle Street: The Confession and Rehabilitation of a Wall Street Financier, Kindle Edition.


Authors and individuals who publish with Osmond Marketing receive discounted website services. Authors and individuals who elect to have Osmond Marketing design their websites receive a custom design, continuous consultation and publishing coaching, content editing, and image enhancement. Example websites include and James Adams’s author website for Waffle Street.

Publicity and Book Marketing

Book publicity is most often the responsibility of the author, even among large publishing companies. This usually costs the author several thousand dollars per month, all out of pocket. Osmond Marketing provides cost-effective book publicity for its authors, which includes a press release distributed through the Associated Press, book marketing plan, press kit, and distribution to hundreds of targeted media outlets.